miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

The water cycle

Hello Everyone, 

Today we are going to see the Water Cycle!To do this we are going to use a special poster about it.

Image by Howard Perlman

How I lose my first life: 

I was having a beautiful time on my vacations in the Canary Islands when I saw a litle beached whale. She was craying and calling her mum so loudly that I heard her from where I was. I spent so much energy helping her that I lost my first life. But I still had six lives left!

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020


I´m Fluffy. I´m a cat that has lived 4 lifes and lives in this blog.

I´m going to be your friend and I will help you if you need me!

I always use Bitmoji to change my dresses and to send pictures and videos to my friends. They love it!! I like to try on clothes and costumes and show people how creative I can be. Bitmoji helps me to express my feelings using pictures.

I think that Bitmoji is the best thing that ever happened to me. I never felt so free in my life!!

If you want to know how I lost my other 3 lives wait for my next enters!!

See you soon!!

Final Reflections

Since the creation of our blog we have travelled a long journey in the world of the information and communication technologies through the ...