lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

Investigation about chemical reactions and mixtures. Mindmaps

Hello students,
today we are going to review the steps to carry out your investigation about chemical reactions and mixtures.

To present these steps I create a mindmap using an ICT tool called "Bubbl" that is very useful tool to present information .

"Bubble" is a great tool for creating mindmaps and displaying the main information of a content  in a few minutes and without having to learn too much.To create your mindmap the only thing you have to do is form content bubbles and link them to each other. In addition, you can customize those bubbles by changing their colors, font size and adding images. The only thing I don't like about this tool is that it only allows you to create 3 mind maps for free. From there, it is necessary to pay. And, I do not think it is worth it, as it is quite basic and doesn´t offer a great customization.

However, maindmaps allow us to observe the elements and structure of a content in a general and complete way. In addition, creating mindmaps helps to understand and memorize the content we want to show. This is because when we make a midnmap, we have to collect the main information and, to do this, we have to understand this content. Therefore, the hardest part of making a mindmap is deciding what information we have to include and how to do it. But once this is done, the process is quite fun.

Take a look at my mindmap to see how they are done and follow the steps of the investigation. When you finish, you will have to make a mindmap to explain your research.

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