lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

Vertebrates: How to create an infographic.

Hello students,

Today we are going to learn the main characteristics of vertebrate animals.

To do that, you are going to create an infographic about each type of vertebrate animals: mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds.

What is an infographic?

It is a visual representation of a content or knoledge. It is a combination of pictures that is easy to understand and transmit. 

With this tool you are going to learn and memorize the main characteristics of vertebrate animals in a very easy way. To select those main characteristics of these animals, you will have to choose an image that represents them. So, you will have to think about it carefully. I am sure that when you finish your work you will know all the characteristics of vertebrate animals!

How to create an infographic?

To create an infographic we are going to use an ICT tool called "Piktochart".

"Piktochart" is an ICT tool used to create visual representations such as presentations, posters, flyers or infographics.
You can create your infographic from the scratch or from a template. There are some really good templates. The only obstacle is that you have to adapt them to your content, but if it is not tedious for you, you will have found a good working tool.

Also, you can include different elements using the panel on the right side of the website such as, pictures, shapes, texts, backgrounds, links, etc.

Below you can find an example of an infographic on mammals. You can use it to make yours or customize it as you want.

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