martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

My flipgrid

Hello everyone!
Today I am going to tell you my experience sharing a story using the ICT tool Flipgrid. It is an app that allows you to record a video and share it with a comunity (The world is my audience) . In my opinion is not a good tool, because took me several attemps before I could get a proper video. The app have a lot of errors, such as, stucks, random cuts of the video, conection errors and the unability to go back. The only good thing I could mention is that all the videos uploaded are in the same place so you can see what other people have done. 
 On another hand, apart form the creation of the video, to be part of an educational collaborative project worldwid is a great experience, because you can see the experiences of other teachers and share yours. 
Finally, although I am not a social media person since I only have Facebook and I hardly use it, I find it a very interesting tool to share knowledge and opinions.

This is my video, I hope you like it:

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Final Reflections

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