martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Stop Motion video

Hello students! Today we will learn how to create a stop motion video.

Stop motion is an animation technique that consists of simulating the movement of static objects by using a series of consecutive still images.

In the fourth course, we are now studying the simple machines, specifically the lever, the pulley and the inclined plane.In groups, you have to choose a simple machine and create a video in stop motion and explain to your classmates how it works for the Natural Science subject.

We have already made the storyboard that will help to organize ourselves to create the video. You can see the storyboard in the previous blog post. 

The first thing you need to have to create the video is a technological device, for example a mobile phone  or a tablet, and then you have to download the app Stop Motion Studio.
Stop Motion Studio is a free app that allows you to create movies frame by frame with Timeline .It is easy to use; you can add text, filters, effects and sounds among other things. One thing that I would improve in this app is that to use some of these options you have to pay, but the price is affordable.

Here you have an example of a stop motion video in which you can see how a pulley works.

The video is called The ants and the pulley and is made by Irene and Mirian:


We have never made a stop motion video before, therefore to create this video we had to practice several times and move the pieces little by little to get the best possible result. The app Stop Motion Studio makes it easy to assemble the photos, the music and the visual effects.

With this activity we want to achieve two objectives that the students learn to create videos in stop motion and that they understand how the lever, the pulley and the inclined plane work.

Nowadays we believe that it is essential that students learn to handle new technologies from an early age.

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